Python is a great language for everyone. Easy to understand, and a lot of libraries to mess around with.
However, managing packages in python can be a pain. Also, installing it the right way.

  • I had to personally witness this myself…….

Installing Python (on macOS)

I’m a big fan of brew, brew is a Package Manager for macOS (something like apt-get in linux). More info please check out this.

  1. Open terminal and run this command to install homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Also add this path to dotfile and source it
# Python with brew PATH
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"
  1. install python with brew
brew install python

Install and use Pipenv

Pipenv is a virtual environment to isolate your pip packages. I use it to for all my classwork and personal projects.

  1. Open terminal and run this command, for more info visit pipenv page.
pip3 install --user pipenv
  1. Find your pipenv path, your path is usually ‘/Users/joe/Library/Python/3.10’ (yours might differ).
python3 -m site --user-base
  1. Add your path (pipenv is in bin directory, remember to add /bin) and source it.
export PATH="$PATH:/Users/joe/Library/Python/3.10/bin"

or add this

export PYTHON_BIN_PATH="$(python3 -m site --user-base)/bin"
  1. Pipenv is actually pretty easy to use
    • To install packages, pipenv install <package> such as django, numpy
    • To start environment, pipenv shell
    • Install development packages, pipenv install <package> --dev
    • Uninstall packages, pipenv uninstall <package>
    • Install packages with ‘requirements.txt’, pipenv install -r ./requirements.txt
    • To check if pipenv works and vulnerabilities in packages, pipenv check
    • To update packages pipfile and lock file, pipenv install
    • To display packages and dependencies on those packages, pipenv graph
    • When you are in another environment (For Example you pull from github), your pipenv packages will get messed up.
      • run pipenv lock, looks into the pipfile.lock file
      • then run pipenv install --ignore-pipfile, this will install everything from pipfile.lock(where you left off)
    • To remove pipenv from current dir, pipenv --rm